General Settings

Minify HTML
Minifying HTML is the process of removing unnecessary characters from the HTML source code without changing its functionality. This reduces the size of the HTML file helping to have a faster loading time and providing a better website experience for visitors.
Exclude URLs
Sometimes you may need to exclude pages from RapidLoad optimization. RapidLoad makes this easy through the use of URL exclusions. Exclusions can be added in the General settings section of the RapidLoad plugin.
This option will accept full paths, relative paths, full domain names, and even wildcards. Some valid URL exclusions include
will match the URL
, but will not match the URL
.Query String
RapidLoad ignores query strings by default. This means that /order and /order?id=123 are considered the same URL and generate only one Optimization Job. Enabling the Query Strings setting tells RapidLoad to consider URLs with query strings as separate URLs and generate an Optimization Job for each of them.
Queue Options
- By default, RapidLoad will queue 4 available jobs every 10 minutes. Queue speed can be increased or decreased. The following intervals are available:
1, 2, 4, or 8 jobs every...
- 1 minute
- 5 minutes
- 10 minutes
- 20 minutes
- 30 minutes
- 1 hour
16 jobs every...
- 30 minutes
- 1 hour
Disable Auto queue
If you prefer to manually add pages to the job queue yourself, check the box next to Disable Auto Queue in the Advanced Settings. New jobs will need to be added via the +ADD button at the top.
Disable Re-queue
RapidLoad automatically re-queues URLs to be optimized if there are any errors found. Enabling this option will stop those URLs from being automatically re-queued.
Legacy Options
Legacy Dashboard This dashboard only shows the Unused CSS optimizations and Group by pages rules
Once you entered Legacy Dashboard you will have the RapidLoad Unused CSS optimization table and Rules table(If Group by pages enabled).